The Chapter started with morning prayer at 8 a.m on the second day. After the prayer everybody gathered in the session room for Provincial and Councilors election. Fr. James C. Cruze, CSC, the provincial Superior of SHJP, gave an introduction and responsibility of Moderators and Br. James Ripon Gomes, CSC, the Third Assistant. Before entering to the election, the prayer for chapter was read by the capitulates and others including guests. Taking over the charge of election, Br. James R. Gomes, request Fr. Badhan H. Rozario, CSC to read the statues of Congregation about election process. The election was led by Br. James R. Gomes and Fr. Frank Quilivan, CSC. Br. Prodip Placid Gomes, CSC, also helped them. The Provincial Fr. George K. Rozario, CSC, elected as the Provincial of SHJP with absolute majority vote and the score was 32 out of 47.
The Chapter proceeded to the election of first and second councilors gradually. The first councilor Fr. James C. Cruze, CSC, elected as the first councilor with the absolute majority vote 32 out of 47, though 24 vote was absolute majority. Later on the chapter elected Fr. Frank J. Quinlivan, CSC, as the second councilor with the absolute majority vote 24 out of 47. Besides these, delegates for the Council of the Congregation were elected by the Chapter. Fr. Leonard S. Rozario, CSC, elected as the delegate and casted 25 out of 47. Likewise, Fr. Proshanto N. Cruze, CSC, elected as the second delegate for the CC. He casted 25 votes out of 47.
After completing the delegates for the CC, alternative delegates were elected in the chapter. Fr. Apollo Rozario, CSC, elected first alternative delegate and casted 32 votes out of 47. Afterwards, Fr. Lawrence Das, CSC, elected as the second alternative delegate. He also casted 34 votes out of 47.
After completing the election of delegated Fr. James Cruze, CSC, thanked Br. James R. Gomes, Fr. Frank Quinlivan, Br. Prodip P. Gomes for their hard work. he also thanked the secretaries and both tellers for their kind cooperation and hard work. The first session concluded at 12 p.m.
After taking rest, the different committees sat in their groups in the afternoon after tea break and discussed among themselves. After the session, the Holy Eucharist was held at 7 p.m and main celebrant was Fr. Nicholas S. Baroi, CSC. Frs. Hubert Palma, CSC and Fr. Ashim Gonsalves, CSC, were the concelebrants. Finally, the day ends with happy hour and dinner. Here it is mentionable that the steering committee sat at 9 p.m after dinner.
Thanks to the Lord for his abundance blessing on this day.