The celebration of Perpetual Vows of Joy Biswas, CSC and Juliyas Rozario, CSC

Openness to God’s call and willing to serve God through His people is the best thing that ever happened to us. With joyful hearts and immense gratitude to the Lord almighty, we (Juliyas Rozario, CSC and Joy Biwas, CSC) professed our perpetual vows in the Congregation of Holy Cross along with Rigolex Doreus, CSC on June 4, 2022, in the Crypt Church of the Saint Joseph Oratory, Montréal, Canada. It was a day for us to be thankful to God, to our parents, to the Congregation of Holy Cross specially in Bangladesh and in Canada. It was the Vigil Mass of Pentecost, and the Eucharist was prepared in a diversity of ways. The Holy Eucharist was presided by Fr. Mario Lachapelle csc, the provincial of the Canadian province and the homily was presented by Fr. Frank Wagner csc, director of the international formation house in Montréal. We were delighted by the presence of Fr. Hubert Palma csc, Fr. Apu Solomon Rozario csc and Fr. Gilles Lague, csc for coming all the way from Bangladesh and to be a part of our celebration. The First Reading and communion hymn were in Bengali, the Second Reading and Offertory hymn were in Créole (Haitian language). The Gospel reading and the rest of the ceremony were in the French language. The entire Mass brought a significant meaning of the Pentecost which was wonderful. We were so thrilled to have the opportunity to invite a few of our Bengali people to participate at the celebration specially those who live in Montréal. Saying “Yes” to be a missionary in Canada helped us to surrender ourselves totally into God’s hands.

After the liturgical celebration, there was a festive meal in the hall which is known as Salle Pichette of the Oratory. The invited guests of the three young religious Joy Biswas, Juliyas Rozario and Rigolex Doreus who joined the meal were from Bangladesh, Haiti, USA, and different Canadian provinces (Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba), the conferes of La province Canadienne, two priests from the Region of English Canada and ten Holy Cross sisters. The total number of guests was 150. During the meal a wonderful cultural program took place with some amazing performances. One group song and solo dance were performed by the members of Bengali community in Montreal and a tradition song of Haiti was sung by a group of the Haitian community. There was an incredible magic show presented by Br. Joseph Cilton Mondol, CSC which was interesting and entertaining. After the Eucharist and the meal a few short photo sessions took place among the perpetually professed seminarians and guests. While serving the dessert the three finally professed seminarians cut a cake for this special occasion of their life. The meal and program ended up with the words of thanksgiving by Joy Biswas, CSC, Juliyas Rozario, CSC, and Rigolex Doreus, CSC.

We would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to our Holy Cross family, priests, brothers, and sisters for your generosity, enormous love, support, and prayers. Through your prayers and appreciations, you have really made us feel strong and supported. We would really request to all of you to be on our side, to walk with us as you are today, because we do not just want to go through life, but we want to grow through life with all of you. May God bless you all.


On Key

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