New OYSTERS’ Reception Program, Moreau Seminary, Dhaka

The Reception Program of New Seminarians who are known as OYSTERS (One Year Special Training on English and Religious Studies) was held on 9 January 2023. They are 18 students. A student joined after HSC passed among them. Fr. Gourob G. Pathang, CSC said the holy mass on that day and welcomed them by giving flowers in the Moreau Seminary. 

Reception Program of Assistant Director: Rev. Fr. Ananda Mondol, CSC is assigned as assistant director in Moreau Seminary. The reception program of Fr. Ananda took place at the seminary on 13 February 2023. Fr. Apu Rozario, CSC said the Holy Mass on that day. After the Holy Mass, there was a short cultural program. Frs. Robert Nokrek, Digonto Chambugong, and Nitto Ekka were present in the program.


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