Requiem Mass for Rev. Richard W. Timm, CSC, on behalf of the Province at Ramna Cathedral

After the death of Rev. Richard W. Timm, CSC, on September 11, 2020, at Holy Cross House, Indiana, Requiem Mass was held at St. Mary’s Cathedral Church, Dhaka, on September 16, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. organized by the Sacred Heart of Jesus Province, Bangladesh. Mass started with a procession from the rear of the Church.  His Eminence Cardinal Patrick D’Rozario, CSC, Archbishop of Dhaka Catholic Archdiocese, Most Rev. Theotonius Gomes, CSC, Emeritus Bishop of Dhaka Archdiocese, and Rev. James C. Cruze, CSC, Provincial Superior, lit the memorial candle in the sanctuary and draped a garland on the picture of Fr. Timm. 

After showing this respect, His Eminence Cardinal D’Rozario, main celebrant of the ceremony, started the Holy Eucharist, and Bishop Gomes and Rev. Cruze were at the altar with him. Along with them, Holy Cross priests from Dhaka, some religious superiors from other Congregations and several diocesan priests participated in the Mass. Also present were Brothers and Sisters from different Congregations, Holy Cross Seminarians and staff, and lay people from the area.  It is notable that the ‘Weekly Protibishi’ broadcast the ceremony with live streaming on their Facebook page.

In the homily, Bishop Gomes shared some important memories of Rev. Timm and his long missionary life in Bangladesh. He also added some reflections on Fr. Timm as a social activist, especially at Manpura during the cyclone of 1971. 

After the completion of the Mass, memorial and personal sharing started in the Church. At the very beginning, Rev. Adam Pereira, CSC, shared about Fr. Timm’s life history, his priestly life, and his contribution to the Bangladesh Church through a Power Point presentation. Then His Eminence Cardinal D’Rozario, Archbishop of Dhaka, Mrs. Aroma Dutta, Member of Parliament, Sr. Pauline Gomes, CSC, on behalf of Holy Cross Sisters, and Mr. Benedict Alo D’Rozario, former Director of Caritas Bangladesh, spoke of Fr. Timm’s contributions as an educationist, scientist, writer, social activist, promoter of justice and peace at the grassroots level, guide to many NGO’s and initiator of local leadership among the laity. Everybody acknowledged Fr. Timm as a great friend of Bangladesh because of his contribution during the Independence War of 1971.  It is worthy of mention that Fr. Timm received an award from the Bangladesh Government for his contribution and role in 1971.

In concluding the occasion, Rev. James C. Cruze, CSC, expressed his gratitude to Almighty God for the life of Fr. Timm and for all the graces he brought to both the Province and the Bangladesh Church. He also thanked all the participants for their presence. At the end of the celebration, memorial cards were distributed among the participants. Here it is mentionable that he was born on March 2, 1923 in Michigan City, Indiana, USA. May God give his departed soul eternal rest in peace!


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