Annual Retreat of Holy Cross Fathers 2020 at Bhadun Centre

Holy Cross Priests’ annual retreat was held in Holy Cross Pastoral and Retreat Center on 19-24 October 2020. Fr. Elias Palma, CSC, the former director of Holy Cross Family Ministry conducted this retreat. The theme of the annual retreat was ‘A Call to Transformation’. Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, only 35 Priests and one Brother attended this retreat. The other priests arranged the annual retreat in their own community houses. The retreat began with Eucharistic Adoration followed by a welcoming speech by Fr. James Clement Cruze, CSC, Provincial, Sacred Heart of Jesus Province, Bangladesh. In the retreat, Fr. Elias mostly focused on the consecrated life, i.e. the life we share is a precious gift from God. Therefore, we need to be transformed radically, and then need to transform others too. At the same time, Fr. Elias explained how our vows can help us to reach the deeper level of spirituality. He added how Mother Mary dedicated her life to fulfill the plan of God. Therefore, as priests and religious we are all called to seek the plan of God in our lives, and then surrender ourselves wholeheartedly.  Finally, the retreat concluded with Holy Mass offered by Fr. James Clement Cruze, CSC.


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