Reception of Most Rev. Bejoy N. D’Cruze, OMI, Archbishop of Dhaka at Moreau House

The Holy Cross Fathers received Most Rev. Bejoy N. D’Cruze, OMI, at Moreau House, Banasree, Rampura, Dhaka at 6:45 p.m on February 16, 2021. It was the new leader’s first visit to the Province Center since assuming his responsibilities as the Archbishop of Dhaka. Archbishop Bejoy was welcomed to the Moreau House premises by a garland of flowers and a welcoming song, in the presence of Most Rev. Theotonius M. Gomes, CSC, Emeritus Auxiliary Bishop of Dhaka, Rev. James C. Cruze, CSC, Provincial Superior of the Holy Cross Fathers, and the Fathers from Mathis House, plus the Holy Cross Scholasticates in Rampura and the house staff. In the reception ceremony, the Archbishop delivered an inspirational speech for the professed seminarians.

After the ceremony, Archbishop Bejoy visited the newly completed Archive room and Sacred Heart Heritage Corner on the sixth floor of the Moreau House Annex. The Provincial and many of the Holy Cross Fathers joined Bishop Gomes for his historical tour.   Later he joined the regular Tuesday night gathering for Evening Prayer in the fifth floor chapel. After prayer he was again welcomed and given a warm reception from the Holy Cross Fathers. In his speech, Archbishop Bejoy recognized the contributions of the Congregations of Holy Cross – Priests, Brothers and Sisters – to the Bangladesh Catholic Church. After the reception ceremony, he joined the Tuesday gathering and agape meal. 

We pray that all good graces will be given to Archbishop Bejoy N. D’Cruze, OMI for his fruitful leadership and ministry in service to the Archdiocese and to the wider Catholic Church.
We wish him a prosperous life into the future.  May God give him sound mind and good health!


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