The Provincial Assembly 2022 from April 26-29, 2022

The Provincial Annual Assembly 2022 began with the office prayer in the Chapel of Moreau House Extension building. After the Prayer, His grace Archbishop Lawrence Subrato Howlader, CSC, and all the Holy Cross Priests gathered in the session room of the same building.
After gathering in the session room, Fr. Apu S. Rozario, CSC, requested the Provincial Fr. George K. Rozario, CSC to address the assembly. Before going to address them, he asked for the consent of the house of the Moderators; Fr. Leonard S. Rozario, CSC and Fr. Ashim T. Gonsalves, CSC; Secretary Fr. Swapan A. Das, CSC and Fr. Badhon H. Rozario, CSC. After the acceptance of the house, he called the participants name-calling one by one according to the list. After the roll call, he delivered his message, the statistics of the Province, appreciation of the hard work of the Province members, especially the GB members, Priests, and staff of the Institutions; Notre Dame University Bangladesh, Notre Dame College, Dhaka, Notre Dame College Mymensingh, and Notre Dame School and College, Sreemangal. He also appreciated the hard work of all the Priests; who are involved in the parochial Ministry. He also congratulated the newly ordained priests and the newly professed seminarians. He expressed his grief at the loss of Fr. Alex R. Rabanal, CSC, and mourned the death of Fr. Alex. He also mentioned his contribution to the parochial ministry and cheerful life as a grandfather. He also appreciated the good results of NDC, Dhaka, and NDCM, Mymensingh. In the end, he invited all to live in peace and harmony as brothers all having limitations.

After presenting the Provincial’s message, moderators were asked to take over the responsibility by Fr. Apu S. Rozario, CSC. Later on Fr. Leonard S. Rozario, CSC, one of the moderators, asked His grace Archbishop Lawrence S. Howlader, CSC to present on the main theme “Synodality in Religious Life: Communion, Participation, and Mission.” Bishop Howlader addressed the Assembly about the etymological meaning of “Synod”, the exhortation of His Holiness, experiences of different stages of the people, and teaching and expectation of the people at different levels. Later on, some of the priests asked some questions about the theme and presentation. Bishop Howlader answered their questions.
After the tea break, there were the presentations on Vocation Promotion by Fr. Ashis A. Rozario, CSC; Notre Dame University Bangladesh by Fr. Thomas H. McDermott, CSC; Notre Dame College, Dhaka by Fr. Hemanto P. Rozario, CSC; Notre Dame College Mymensingh by Fr. Gracy I. D’Rozario, CSC; Notre Dame School and College, Sreemangal by Fr. Placid Rozario, CSC; Holy Cross Pastoral and Retreat Centre, Bhadun by Fr. James C. Cruze, CSC; Oriental Institute by Fr. Subash J. Costa, CSC, and Holy Cross Family Ministries Bangladesh by Fr. Ruben M. Gomes, CSC. Here mentionable that the Congregation of Holy Cross Priests gave a warm reception to Archbishop Lawrence S. Howlader, CSC, the Archbishop of Chattogram after the Holy Eucharist Celebration.

After completing the second day of the Provincial Annual Assembly, the journey of the third day started with Morning Prayer at 8 a.m. After prayer, the first session started with the song to the Holy Spirit. On this day, Br. Joel Giallanza, CSC presented on the Spirituality and Charism of Blessed Fr. Moreau on zoom to the Assembly.
After the first session of the third day, Fr. Subol Kujur, CSC, reported to the assembly about Hosenbeckpur under Chadpur Parish. He presented the needs and plan for its development. Likewise, Fr. Samir P. D’Costa presented about Radhanagar Parish, Fr. Khokon Nokrek presented about Padrishippur Parish, Fr. Mithu Palma, CSC presented on Bolipara Parish and Fr. Elias Hembrom, CSC presented about Narayanganj Parish. PowerPoint and digital videos were used by the priests in most of the presentations. Later everybody proceeded to lunch.
In the afternoon session, all the jubilarians were called upon the stage and they took their seats at the stage. They shared their vocation life and gradual growth in the Congregation of Holy Cross. They are; Fr. Samar L. Cruze, CSC, Fr. James S. Gomes, CSC, Fr. Lawrence N. Das, CSC, Fr. Dominic S. Sarkar, CSC, Fr. Thaddeus Hembrom, CSC, Fr. Placid P. Rozario, CSC, Fr. Uzzal L. Rozario, CSC, Fr. Amol A. Rozario, CSC, and Fr. Robert D. Gomes, CSC. This program was conducted by Fr. Boniface S. Tolentino, CSC.
Afterward, six priests, who were ordained from November 2020 to January 2022, were given the reception after the Holy Eucharist in the evening. They are; Fr. Anando J. Mondal, CSC, Fr. Badhon H. Rozario, CSC, Fr. Nitto A. Ekka, CSC (Ordained in 2020-2021), Fr. Tias A. Gomes, CSC, Fr. Mithu L. Palma, CSC, and Fr. Shohag B. Gabil, CSC (Ordained in 2022). The program was concluded followed by dinner.
The final day of the assembly and the sessions started with morning prayer in the extension building chapel. After the prayer, Fr. Apu S. Rozario, CSC presented about Holy Cross Fathers’ future students’ home on behalf of the formation team. There was a lot of discussion on the matter. The majority of the participants were in favor of it. In the end, the provincial, Fr. George K. Rozario, CSC, sent it to the committee to study more about its feasibility.
In the last session of the final day, Fr. Proshanto N. Cruze, CSC, presented on accounting matters of the province and audit system. The priests shared their experiences about the accounting system and audits by the finance committee. In the assembly, most of them proposed to have an audit by the Caritas Bangladesh people. Finally, the Provincial Assembly 2022 concluded with the word of Fr. George K. Rozario, CSC before lunch.


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