Profession of Faith and Oath of the Provincial Council Members 2021

The selected Councilors of the new Provincial administration professed their faith and took their oath during the Holy Eucharist at 8:15 a.m on September 6, 2021 in Moreau House, Rampura. The Holy Mass was offered by Rev. George K. Rozario, CSC, Provincial of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Province, with Rev. Anthony S. Gomes, CSC and Rev. Proshanto N. Cruze, CSC, as concelebrants. Rev. Apollo L. Rozario, CSC, Rev. Hubert J. Palma, CSC, Rev. Hori M. Das, CSC and Rev. Gourob G. Pathang, CSC also participated in the ceremony. Members of the administrative staff and several priests and deacons witnessed the formal beginning of the new administration and shared in the Eucharist. Afterwards, members of the new Council were congratulated with bouquets of flowers from the Province Development Office and the ceremony concluded with a group picture of the Provincial, Rev. George K. Rozario, CSC and his councilors. Not present for this first meeting of the Provincial Council were Rev. James C. Cruze, CSC and Rev. Frank L. Quinlivan, CSC, who are in the USA on holiday.


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