Final Day of the Provincial Chapter 2021

The final day of the Provincial Chapter 2021 started with the morning prayer at 8 a.m. and led by Mr. Sojeeb S. Gomes, CSC in the Moreau Hose extension building chapel. After the prayer, the first session started with a silence and song to the Holy Spirit in the session room. Just after the song, the Apostolic/ Peace and Justice Committee, Education Committee, Prayer and Community Life Committee, Vocation and Formation committee presented their reports in the morning session. After completing the morning session everybody proceeded for lunch.

After taking rest, the session also started with the song to the Holy Spirit. Later on, the Finance and Administration Committee presented their second draft with the correction that was given by the chapter in the first draft. Fr. Swapan A. Das, CSC, presented the draft with correction to the Chapter for the approval of the third stage. It was passed by the house with full consent with the absolute majority including the budget for next three years.  The resolutions were read by Fr. Das, remembered the deceased members from Chapter 2018 including Holy Cross Brothers and Sisters, who passed away. He thanked the outgoing provincial Fr. James C. Cruze, CSC, for his 9 years’ service as the Provincial of SHJP. He also thanked our members in our institutions NDUB, NDC, NDCM and NDSC and also appreciated their marvelous result and good impact in the education sectors. He also remembered Parish priests, other priests, workers and others for rendering their faithful service and hard work. Afterwards, the moderator Br. Prodip Placid Gomes, CSC, asked the Chapter for final approval and all the documents passed by the Chapter. Later on, the president of the Chapter 2021, asked Br. Prodip Gomes to express his thought and observation to the Chapter and he spoke. After him, the president asked Br. James Ripon Gomes, Third Assistant to the Generalate, to express his observation and thought to the Chapter. He spoke in different angles regarding the thought of Generalate and vision of Fr. Moreau. After completing their speech, that Chapter expressed their respect and token of love with flower and gift.  Afterwards, the group picture was taken in the session room. 

On this final day, the Holy Eucharist took place at 6 p.m and was officiated by the newly elected Provincial Rev. George Kamal Rozario, CSC, Ph.D and Rev. James C. Cruze, CSC and Rev. Frank Quinlivan, CSC, were the concelebrants. Deacon Mithu L. Palma, CSC, helped them during eucharist. Just after the Eucharist, profession of faith and taking oath of the Provincial Office took place and Br. James R. Gomes, CSC, led the ceremony. During this time, emeritus Bishop Theotonius Gomes, CSC, priests, Brothers and Sister were present. Later on Sr. Violet Rodrigues, CSC, Br. Subal L. Rozario, CSC, and Bishop Gomes delivered their speech and greeted the new provincial. They also remembered Fr. James Cruze, CSC, for his service to the Province and as well as Bangladesh Church. Finally, the president adjourned the Chapter 2021 officially and everyone proceeded to agape meal and happy hour.

Thank God for His blessing during the last five days. Praise the Lord!


On Key

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