The priestly ordination of Deacon Nitto Anthony Ekka, CSC was held on June 4, 2021 in the Cathedral Church of St. Francis Xavier, Kosba, Dinajpur along with four others deacons of the diocese. The Holy Mass was presided over by Most Rev. Sebastian Tudu, Bishop of Dinajpur Diocese. Due to COVID restrictions, the Cathedral was flocked with a limited numbers of priests, brothers, sisters, religious and faithful along with the family of the newly ordained, Fr. Nitto Anthony Ekka, CSC to witness this ordination ceremony.
The day before his Ordination, on June 3, a blessing ceremony was held at the Cathedral Parish. On the following day, June 5, Fr. Nitto Anthony Ekka, CSC offered a Thanksgiving Mass at his village to cap the festivities. Most Rev. Sebastian Tudu, 17 Priests, Brothers, Sisters, seminarians, and faithful of the parish participated in the event. Rev. James Clement Cruze, CSC, Provincial of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Province and the Holy Cross Confreres were present throughout these joyous occasions. He is assigned at St. George’s Parish, Mariamnagar as an assistant priest. We wish him fruitful ministry.
We thank the Almighty God and wish Fr. Nitto Anthony Ekka, CSC all the best as he starts his new journey as a Holy Cross Religious Priest. May God bless him with His Love, Peace, and Strength.